Tuesday, December 27, 2011

For One More Day

For One More DayFor One More Day by Mitch Albom

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished this in like two hours, but I loved it. I had to reread the prologue and the epilogue too, since there was a bit of the unexpected. I love how Mitch Albom mixes reality with what occurs in the mind. It makes you wonder what reality really is - is it just what exists presently in our own mind or is it what the constructs outside of our own minds dictate. Since I wrote a lot about what happens in the mind and I have been thinking about it so obsessively for my three YA novels, I love to ponder this question.

I bought this book a couple of years ago when it first came out and I allowed this little gem to sit on my shelf that long without reading it. I love it though and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves their mother or who has contemplated suicide to read it. Wonderful and quick read. Excellently written and edited.

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